Service manager at a cafe/bar restaurant in Kefalonia

Full time
Στοιχεία εργαζόμενου

Career Now with experience in the field of human resource management, is dynamically entering the tourism and food industry to staff a large number of businesses.

Our ambition is to create key working relationships between employers and employees based on mutual trust and respect.

Because of this, one of the most well-known cafe-bars on the island of Kefalonia entrusted us with staffing it. Specifically, we are looking for a candidate to fill the position of waiter/waitress.


Qualifications required

  • Previous experience in a similar position for at least 2 seasons
  • Developed communication skills
  • Speed and organization
  • Very good knowledge of the English language
  • Consistency, courtesy and professionalism


Is provided

  • Accommodation in his/her own space
  • Diet (two main meals)
  • Full insurance coverage
  • Monthly net earnings very satisfactory and always negotiable by the employer.
  • Possibility of permanent cooperation